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The Operators-Window opens after pressing the "Add"-button of the
Processor-Window and allows you to select an operator which will be
appended to your Processor-script.
Another purpose is to add PlugIns to the internal database
or to remove them.
All operations can be done both using the mouse and the keyboard.
Use the cursor-keys to browse through the lists and the <enter>-key
to apply the selection.
Add to load one or more PlugIns from harddisk
Delete to delete the selected PlugIn
Select to append the selected operator to the Processor-script
Cancel to cancel the selection
There are five basic types of Operator-PlugIns according to their
Buffer: modifying or creating buffers
Add Add two images Example
AutoCrop Remove outer regions with the same color
Compose Compose two images Example
CreateImage Create a colored image Example
Crop Cut off a rectangular area of an image
DLA Create a colored image Example
GSImport Run Ghostscript to import Postscript-files Example
KillTemp Kill a TEMP-buffer
LoadImage Load an image from harddisk
LoadTemp Copy a TEMP-buffer to the main stream
Plasma Create a colored image Example
ReplaceComp Replace a color-channel of an image Example
SaveImage Save an image to disk
SaveTemp Copy the main stream to a TEMP-buffer
2D-F/X: performing 2D-transformations
BlackHole Deform an image Example
Bump Add a third dimension to an image Example
Cartesian2Polar Transform the coordinates of an image Example
Displace Randomly exchange points of an image Example
Flip Mirror an image along various directions Example
Halve Quickly halve the dimensionsions of an image
Magnet Deform the image Example
MotionBlur Apply a touch of motion to an image Example
Pixelize Reduce the resolution of an image Example
Roll Scroll an image along every direction Example
Rotate Rotate (a portion) of the image Example
RotateBlur Apply a touch of motion to an image Example
Scale Scale an image
Shear Shear an image Example
ShiftLines Randomly shift the lines of an image Example
Twirl Deform an image Example
Wave Apply a harmonic 2D-Wave to the image Example
Color: applying color-transformations
Alpha Color Changes using an Alpha Channel Example
Antique Change the colors to look "antique" Example
Balancing Change the colors using Balancing Example
ColorToGray Convert an image into grayscale Example
Convolve Apply a convolution-filter Example
Emboss Change an image to look like made of stone Example
LUT Change the colors using a LookUpTable Example
MedianFilter Apply a medianfilter to an image
Negative Turn dark portions into light portions Example
Neon Add glow to an image Example
Noise Apply random noise to an image Example
OilTransfer Change the image to look like "oilpainted" Example
Posterise Reduce the color-information of an image Example
SwapRGB Swap the color-components of an image Example
Threshold Create alpha channels Example
3D-F/X: performing complex 3D-transformations on 3D-temp-buffers or images
Axis3D Add axes in very high quality to plots Example
Bump3D Real Bump-mapping Example
ColorCube 3D color- or alpha-space Example
Cube Wrap an image onto a cube Example
DataPlot Plot threedimensional data-sets Example
Genlock3D Threedimensional genlock Example
Join3D Join two 3D-temp-buffers Example
KillTemp3D Kill a 3D-temp-buffer
LWOB Import Lightwave-objects Example
Magnet3D Grab and drag portions of an image Example
Morph Interpolate between two objects Example
ParPlot Plot threedimensional parametric functions Example
Perspective Add perspective to an image Example
SetColor Modify the color of objects Example
Sphere Wrap an image onto a complete sphere Example
Transform3D Perform standard 3d-transformations Example
Triangulate Convert images into smooth phong-object Example
Twirl3D Apply a Twirl-effect along any axis Example
Twist Deform an image using rotation Example
Water Apply an anharmonic water-wave to an image Example
Wave3D Apply a harmonic wave to an image Example
Wrap Wrap the image on a sphere or a tube Example
ZPlot Plot threedimensional functions Example
Misc: very special or seldom-used PlugIns
ARexx Exchange images with other applications
Comment Add a comment to the Processor-script
GetDimensions Apply image-dimensions to variables
Raster Apply a black raster to an image Example
SetBackGround Change the global background
Text Render text using various styles Example
Note: After pressing one of the Example -buttons the program
"visage" is started to display a corresponding example.